Home News How to Remove Pigmentation from Face Permanently

How to Remove Pigmentation from Face Permanently


A clear and radiant looking skin is every girl’s dream. Women of any age would dream about having young, fresh and glowing skin and spend a lot of money and time to achieve this. There are so many skincare brands out there claiming natural, fresh, even-toned, fair, radiant and glowing skin. Makeup brands ensure that even without good skin, all flaws can be covered up in layers of foundation and concealer.

True beauty actually lies in a good lifestyle, a good diet, taking good care of the skin by keeping acne away, getting skin pigmentation treatment, using anti-aging methods and making sure you keep track of any skin abnormalities and take precautionary steps to counter it in time. This automatically helps in controlling skin issues and gives you an advantage by making sure that you are one step ahead of skin woes.

Pigmentation and its Causes

Pigmentation is a normal issue faced by both men and women. Pigmentation is a collection of dark, dead cell areas that are present on various regions of the face such as cheeks, foreheads, around the nose and chin. These marks can be quite stubborn to heal and cause major aesthetic issues, and need covering up with makeup all the time. For those of us who love to have clear skin, this can be a real hassle.

Hyperpigmentation is similar to normal pigmentation but is scattered around the face in the areas that create the most and with thin layers of skin, such as around the eyes, mouth, around the edges of the nose, etc. This can create an uneven appearance throughout the face and may not look very appealing.

There are several methods to combat pigmentation and hyperpigmentation. You can consult a skin expert or a dermatologist who can offer plenty of solutions to treat pigmentation and remove them completely and permanently. Some of the methods used by them are mentioned below:

  1. Skin Lightening Creams

Skin lightening creams can help in decreasing melanin production in target areas; therefore, controlling pigmentation. This only works for those who have mild pigmentation but can work quite effectively on dark spots and blemishes that cause skin darkening. It is also a very cheap method, and it can be tried by those who are looking for an inexpensive fix.

  • Retinoid Treatments

Retinoid is an age-old secret to young, healthy-looking skin with no signs of aging. Retinoid is a derivative of Vitamin A and helps in controlling severe pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots on the skin. They are mostly available in the cream format and can be quite effective in dealing with skin pigmentation.

  • Topical Ointments

Prescription based topical ointments can help with targeted treatment on dark spots and pigmentation. Powerful ingredients are used to exfoliate the dead skin cells, such as glycolic acid, Kojic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Vit C extracts that can help diminish the pigmentation and dark spots. It also helps lighten the area by removing the dead skin cells and triggering new skin cells formation. This is a very effective and preliminary dermatological treatment to help control pigmentation and is also quite nominal when it comes to cost.

  • Chemical Peel Therapy

Chemical peeling is the process of peeling off the dead skin layer with a dull looking appearance and having the new, fresh layer of skin cells beneath the dead skin to take its place. This is done using facial acids such as AHAs and BHAs that mildly melt away the dead skin cells by exfoliating the skin and revealing a fresh new layer of skin cells.

This is quite an effective treatment but has a few constraints. Those who have sensitive skin cannot go for this procedure. Once the procedure is done, there is a healing period as the new skin cells take time to appear and form. The method may cause some redness, peeling of the skin and irritation after the treatment, which is common. But overall, the process is effective and safe.

  • Laser Peel Therapy

Laser Peel Therapy is a surgical method and is one of the best skin pigmentation treatment methods. Low-intensity red laser light is used to stimulate the production of collagen in the areas with pigmentation forcing the dead skin cells to be replaced by new skin cells. Collagen helps in tightening the skin, making a face look younger. It can also lighten the skin’s tone. Laser peeling comes with two technologies – Ablative is more intense that removes the epidermal layer, and the non-ablative laser works on the deeper dermal layers to remove pigmentation from its roots.