5 Reasons to Eat More Protein


When it comes to talking about the health benefits of carbs and fats, all of us are confused. However, everyone agrees that protein is very important for the human body. Although a lot of people eat the optimum level of protein every day, some people prefer to settle for a higher intake. There are numerous studies, which suggest that a protein-rich diet is good for weight loss and building strong muscles. Here are a few strong reasons to increase your protein intake:

1.      Reduces Appetite

Wouldn’t it be great if you could control your hunger level and eat less? Not to forget, the three basic macronutrients, protein, fats, and carbs, have a strong effect on your body. It has been scientifically proven that protein can make you feel fuller. This is because protein curtails the level of hunger hormones. It also enhances the level of peptide YY, the hormone responsible for making you feel fuller. This means the effects of protein intake are powerful and can easily curtail obesity in a short time.

2.      Strengthens The Bones

One of the ongoing myths that continue to hound protein is, it is not good for your bones. However, talking about reality, protein is the food for bones and can improve muscle strength. So people who frequently eat protein have higher chances of building a better bone mass as compared to those who don’t. Especially if you work out very often, consuming an ample amount of protein will be a strong part of your diet. It is best if you look for organic Amazonia raw protein on the web. Read customer reviews before you decide to settle for any option.

3.      Boosts Metabolism

Eating regularly has a strong impact on metabolism but for a short while. This is because our body uses calories to make the digestive system work efficiently. This is acknowledged as TEF, which stands for the thermic effect of food. Not to forget, every food item is different in this regard. The increasing protein intake has always been associated with improved metabolism and a high number of calories being burnt every day. This means you can easily burn around 100 calories a day.

4.      Increases Muscle Mass

If you are a gym pro, you would know the importance of protein for the muscles. Therefore, eating ample amounts of protein is crucial for the entire body. As you continue to improve strength training, increasing protein intake becomes crucial. There are numerous studies, which prove that eating an ample amount of protein can help you in getting the perfect shape for your body. As discussed, being physically active is coherent with the food we eat.

5.      Reduces Late Night Cravings

One of the leading reasons for obesity is binge eating and munching on food late at night. You need to understand that there is a demarcation between food craving and normal hunger. Food craving is associated with your brain needing something enticing. For instance, if you eat two bananas before going to sleep to suffice for your hunger, your brain might tell you to order food from MacDonalds and have fun. This can cause real damage to your body.

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