6 Top Tips For a Successful Job Interview


Sometimes reaching the job interview phase of a job application is an accomplishment in itself. After all, there are a lot of job seekers out there and it’s highly competitive. Sometimes 100s of people are all applying for the same position vacant.

Once you do manage to land yourself a job interview, you want to give yourself every chance of success and being hired, so here are a few tips to help make that a reality.

#1 – Do Your Homework On the Company

Before the interview, learn as much as you can about the company. Not only will this arm you with relevant knowledge to answer specific questions that might be tossed your way, but you will also stand a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you can demonstrate knowledge about their business.

It’ll show them that you have a keen interest in both the job and the company you’ll be working for, as well as demonstrating that you’re willing to do your research.

This one tip alone could prove to be the difference between success and failure and could very well give you a competitive advantage over the other people being interviewed for the same position.

#2 – Prepare Some Questions You Want To Ask

At some point during the interview process, you will invariably be asked if you have any questions or anything you would like to know. If the questions you’ve previously compiled haven’t already been addressed throughout the course of the interview, you’ll be ready with some queries you want them to field, rather than sitting in the chair looking stumped.

Worse still, if you appear to have nothing you wish to know about the job or the business, it can come across as disinterest in the job or the company.

#3 – Don’t Be Afraid Of What To Say

So long as you are well-prepared, there’s nothing to fear when it comes to what to say in a job interview. For the most part, the person conducting the interview will lead proceedings. Likely you’ll just be answering any questions they ask.

Having said that, you’ll want to try and anticipate the questions you’ll be fielding before you go to the interview. This way, you’ll have your answers ready and won’t have to sit there thinking about them. The faster you can answer their queries, the more confident you’ll appear.

You don’t have to be an amazing talker to successfully negotiate a job interview. Just be ready and be confident when replying.

#4 – Your Body Language Is Important

Body language makes up the major proportion of communication. If your body language appears negative, defensive, lacking confidence, distrustful and so on, the interview is not going to progress to a satisfactory conclusion on your behalf.

It’s a good idea to study up on body language techniques, especially as they apply to job interviews. If you’re really concerned that your body language is a problem, it might be an idea to go through a body language course.

Another method is to get together with friends and conduct a mock interview. Have someone film the process, then review the footage and learn where you can improve your body language so it’s more positive. This is an essential life skill, so it’s well worth studying.

#5 – Dress For the Role

Dress appropriately for the industry. Not all job interviews require you to dress formal. For some industries, smart casual will do and it’ll make the atmosphere feel more comfortable for everyone involved.

Think about the job you’re applying for and then dress accordingly.

#6 – Go Online and Research Job Interview Skills

The internet offers a wealth of fantastic information, and much of it is freely accessible. Take the time to go online and do some research on good job interview techniques before you go to the interview.

In Conclusion

Having a successful job interview is all about good preparation and being ready, so you have no hesitation during the process and appear both confident and knowledgeable. Show a keen interest in the business and what they do, rather than just coming across as looking for nothing more than a paycheck and you’ll do well.

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