Natural Ways to Relieve Anxiety


You might notice anxiety before taking a test or if you’ve been called into your manager’s office. Experiencing it in challenging situations is normal, but when that anxiety begins rearing its head intensely and excessively and takes over your life, it can signal the need to take action. While pharmaceutical treatment options might be suitable for you, some of these more natural alternatives might also be worth your consideration.

CBD Products

Consuming CBD products is now one of the most common ways people address their anxiety levels. You might consider tinctures, balms, edibles, or even CBD flower. Even if you don’t know how much CBD flower for anxiety you should take, there’s value in researching this option to see if it might work for you.

According to studies, preclinical evidence supports CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Exercise might be the last thing you feel like doing when you’re in the throes of an anxiety-induced panic attack. However, research suggests that regular physical activity might protect you from anxiety symptoms. Not only does your focus shift from your thoughts to the task at hand, but you’re also able to free up space in your brain for anti-anxiety neurochemicals, such as endocannabinoids and serotonin. A brisk daily walk with a friend might be all it takes to shift some of those feeling of overwhelm.

Limit Your Caffeine Intake

While a moderate caffeine intake is safe for most people, it has been known to worsen anxiety disorders and even cause panic attacks in people diagnosed with panic disorders. If you currently drink caffeine to excess, consider cutting back for the sake of your anxiety levels. Decrease your intake slowly over a period of a few weeks to prevent withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, nausea, and muscle pain, and replace your caffeinated beverages with healthier options, such as water.

Eat Healthy Food

The occasional deep-fried snack or sweet treat is unlikely to do you much harm, but a diet full of processed foods like candy, pastries, fried food, and processed meat might contribute to depressive and anxious feelings. Consider complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins instead of reaching for something high in fat, sugar, and salt.

Sleep Well

Sleep and mood are linked, so think about whether you’re getting enough sleep when you’re experiencing anxiety and related symptoms. Most adults need between seven and nine hours per night, but surveys have shown that nearly one-third achieve less than six hours.

If sleep evades you at the best of times, make some changes to your routine to see if it alters your mood and anxiety levels. Try skipping daytime naps if you currently have them, and leave mobile devices out of the bedroom. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time might also produce the results you desire.

There’s no denying that pharmaceutical drugs can be helpful for many people experiencing anxiety. However, if your healthcare provider recommends a natural approach, any of these tips above may assist in relieving your symptoms and getting your mental health back on track.

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