Biden’s Plan To Tax Excess Profits On Chip Companies Receiving Subsidies


As the Biden administration looks to fund its major initiatives, companies receiving government subsidies may find themselves on the hook for more than just the initial investment. This article examines President Biden’s plan to tax companies that receive subsidies on their excess profits and how it will affect those already in receipt of public funds.

Introduction to Biden’s Plan

Joe Biden’s plan to tax excess profits on chip companies receiving subsidies would affect a number of businesses, including Intel, Qualcomm, and TSMC. The goal is to ensure these companies are investing in the United States, rather than using government money to line their own pockets.

The tax would be levied on companies that receive more than $500 million in subsidies from the federal government. It would be based on a percentage of a company’s net income above a certain threshold. For example, if a company has a net income of $1 billion and the threshold is $500 million, the company would be taxed on $500 million at the proposed rate of 21 percent.

The plan is still in its early stages, and it’s unclear how much revenue it would generate. However, it’s possible that the tax could raise billions of dollars for the government.

What Companies Receive Subsidies?

It’s no secret that the U.S. government provides financial assistance to a variety of businesses and industries. This includes everything from small business loans to agricultural subsidies. And while this assistance can be vital to keeping certain businesses afloat, it can also lead to abuse and cronyism.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in the semiconductor industry, where a handful of companies have come to dominate the market thanks in part to billions of dollars in government subsidies. These companies include Intel, TSMC, and Samsung, who together control over 80% of the global chip market.

In recent years, these companies have been accused of using their dominant market position to unfairly price out smaller competitors, stifle innovation, and prop up their own profits. So it’s no surprise that President Biden has proposed taxing these companies’ “excess” profits as a way to level the playing field and generate revenue for his infrastructure plan.

The specifics of the tax are still being worked out, but it’s clear that Biden believes these companies have benefited disproportionately from government assistance and should pay back some of those gains. This proposal is sure to be controversial, but it could also finally bring some much-needed accountability to an industry that has long been ripe for reform.

How Much Will Companies Have To Pay?

The Biden Administration has proposed a new tax on excess profits of chip companies that have received subsidies from the government. This tax would be applied to companies with annual revenues of $30 billion or more, and would be based on a percentage of their overall profits. The tax rate would start at 10 percent and increase to 35 percent for companies that have received the most subsidies.

This proposal is part of the Administration’s larger effort to invest in American manufacturing and create jobs. The tax revenue generated by this proposal would be used to fund an investment program that would provide grants and loans to support the expansion of chip manufacturing in the United States. This program would also support research and development in emerging technologies, such as 5G wireless and artificial intelligence.

The Administration estimates that this proposal would raise $100 billion over 10 years. This money would be used to invest in American manufacturing and create jobs, as well as support research and development in emerging technologies. This proposal has been met with criticism from some lawmakers and business groups, who argue that it will discourage investment in the United States and lead to job losses.

Who Benefits From This Tax?

The benefits of this tax are two-fold. Firstly, it will help to offset the cost of the subsidies that chip companies receive from the government. Secondly, it will help to create a level playing field between these companies and their competitors who do not receive such subsidies.

This tax is likely to have a positive impact on the economy as a whole, as it will encourage these companies to invest their excess profits back into research and development, which will create new jobs and spur innovation.

Impact on the Economy

The U.S. semiconductor industry is the envy of the world, and a big reason for that is the federal government’s role in nurturing it through subsidies and other forms of support. But as the industry has boomed, so have calls for it to pay back some of those taxpayer-funded benefits.

One such proposal comes from Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, who on Tuesday proposed taxing what he called “excess profits” from chip companies that have received government subsidies. The plan would raise an estimated $400 billion over 10 years to fund investments in science and research, according to a campaign official familiar with the proposal who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.

The tax would target companies with annual revenues above $100 million from their semiconductor business, and it would be payable regardless of whether those profits were generated in the United States or abroad. It would also apply to any company that manufactures chips in the United States, even if they don’t receive direct subsidies from the government.

The tax would be assessed on a company’s global semiconductor profits above 50 percent of its average profit over the previous four years. So, for example, if a company had an average profit of $1 billion over four years and made $2 billion in profit one year, it would only be taxed on $500 million of those earnings.

Challenges for Chip Companies

The global semiconductor industry is bracing for impact as U.S. President Joe Biden looks to tax the excess profits of chip companies that have benefited from federal subsidies.

The proposal, which is still in its early stages, would impose a new tax on companies with annual revenue exceeding $50 million from the production of semiconductors and related products. The tax would be based on a percentage of a company’s profits above a certain threshold, and it would apply to both domestic and foreign firms.

The move comes as the Biden administration is seeking to address the so-called “race to the bottom” in corporate tax rates, which has seen companies increasingly shift their profits to low-tax jurisdictions. It also follows criticism that some of the world’s largest chipmakers, such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and Samsung, have been able to avoid paying billions of dollars in U.S. taxes by locating their manufacturing operations outside the country.

While it remains to be seen how exactly the proposed tax would be structured, it could have far-reaching implications for an industry that is central to the functioning of modern economies. For one thing, it could make it more expensive for chipmakers to expand their operations in the United States, where they already face significant challenges in terms of finding skilled workers and accessing adequate supplies of water and power.

It could also lead to higher prices for consumers, as firms pass on the cost of the tax to end


In conclusion, Biden’s plan to tax excess profits on chip companies receiving subsidies is a move in the right direction. It will help ensure that these companies are not taking advantage of government assistance while also helping to fund other programs that can benefit the economy. This proposal has already garnered support from within both parties and it looks like this could be an important step towards balancing our budget and creating a fairer taxation system for all.

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