Five Ways to Feel a Little Less Frustrated With the Technology You Have to Use at Work


Most jobs nowadays involve the use of some kind of technology. Just a few of the most common types of technology in business include:

  • Desktop computers and laptops
  • Devices, like printers
  • Telephone and voice mail systems
  • Customer relationship management systems

That’s not all. Nearly every job utilizes software and apps on a regular basis that can do everything from managing inventory to keeping track of the budget and more.

All that technology is supposed to make life easier, but it doesn’t always. Don’t let technology get the best of you. With these tips, you can feel a little less frustrated, no matter what kind of technology you use at work.

Be Active in Sourcing New Technology

It doesn’t matter if your workplace has its own IT department or not. If you struggle with any of the technology you use on a regular basis, speak up, and take an active role in sourcing new technology.

For example, if dealing with your network is a nightmare, consider researching and suggesting something like Microsoft intranet that will make using Microsoft Word and PowerPoint a lot easier.

If you aren’t able to contribute directly to the conversation about the next technology update, at least make sure your frustrations are known by communicating them to your supervisor or IT department. Collect feedback from your coworkers and pass it along too. That way, the next tech you get is more likely to be a bit more user-friendly.

Request Special Training

Training is extremely important, no matter what kind of job you have. That’s especially the case when it comes to technology. Even if you have technically received training, if you’re still struggling to use a piece of tech in the office, don’t be afraid to request special training.

That might mean making time during the week for everyone in your department to practice new features or working one-on-one with a manager to go over the most efficient way to use the technology together.

You can also suggest calling in outside support. Many software and app companies offer professional training to their customers so you can learn how to use the technology straight from the people who created it.

Know Who to Ask if You Need Help

Asking for help isn’t always easy. It’s true that you don’t want to look unprofessional, but it’s far worse to continue making mistakes because you’re too afraid to ask for help. The trick is to know who to ask.

Instead of assuming that your manager has all the answers, let them know that you’re struggling and ask them who you should approach to get help. They may be willing to help you themselves, but if not, they’ll appreciate being able to refer you to someone in the IT or another department who can answer your questions better than they can.

Plan Ahead for Delays and Problems

Software updates are important. They can also be extremely irritating, especially if you have a tight schedule and have important deadlines to keep. Instead of over planning your use of technology for the day and falling behind because the network goes down or you’re stuck waiting for an update to finish, plan in a little downtime during your day. That way, you can still get everything done without having to stay late or talk to your boss about why you weren’t able to keep an important deadline.

Take Time Away From Your Computer

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that you have to spend your entire day on the computer using technology that is frustrating. There are likely times in your day when you can take a break from your computer screen.

For example, if you’re brainstorming ideas with coworkers, make notes on paper instead of typing them up on the computer. Consider using an old-fashioned paper planner instead of relying on your email calendar, and read a book or take a walk when you have a break instead of checking social media. You’ll get a little less frustrated with technology when it gives you trouble if you aren’t using tech every minute of every day.

Technology can make life at work a lot easier. Unfortunately, it can also make life more frustrating. Whether you’re dealing with buggy software or you’re just feeling a little burnt out, the tips on this list will help you feel a little less annoyed with the tech that you have to use at work every day.

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