How Generation Z learning experience shifting from books to online videos


Interesting facts about Gen Z and Millennials YouTube educational habits

Learning on video-sharing platform is more popular

According to the survey young people watch YouTube a lot, using the site for learning. Grown-ups think it’s easier to do homework with YouTube as you may subscribe and follow the explanation of a task. They use the platform instead of books, though it’s quite predictable fact due to technological progress and up-to-date innovations. Student can analyze and rewind as many videos as he or she like.

The result of research is that 59% of people choose YouTube for education and learning, 57% take part in group activities via the video platform, 47% download videos, apps and games, 47% traditionally pick books to study. We use lots of data to compare and analyze Generation Y and Z, the difference in their values, lifestyle and preferences. The great interest is also in their attitude to contemporary technologies.

When people try to find information, they prefer to use relevant and known methods. “When younger learners are looking for answers, they’re going to the most straightforward, familiar force, and for them that’s YouTube.” said the director of the research Peter Broad. The opinion is that Generation Z loves YouTube because it has outstanding quantity of explainers and attractive content to understand.

It changes the system

Some teachers follow those preferences of youngsters, adding videos as lessons for better study. Topics of videos are numerous, you can study everything – science, maths, history, languages, etc. Videos are turned out to be a worthy supply of visual explanation, which helps to reveal connection between knowledge and real life.

Young people are part of Generation Z which relies on such videos too much. It seems that adults become the unnecessary part of educational system. Despite this fact, teachers still play a great role as a guide, because the world is overfilled with information. This opinion is proved by respondents, 78% believe teachers are “very important to learning and development”. The access to learning data just inspires students to know more and makes them eager to organized and clear content.

You can get everything

The opportunity to get information about variety of things by tutorials and how-to-do videos attracts more and more watchers. In fact, YouTube is a free-to-use platform and everyone can post the content he or she wants. Not all videos are useful to youngsters, some may include inappropriate advertisement or useless information. There are no limits to the sharing data, and nobody controls you.

On this site people create videos that are on-demand, so if you see something inappropriate, one needs exactly this – videos from 18+ category, odd theories and extremism, and other disgusting content. Kids of Generation Z are under serious pressure, but we cannot prevent them from what people sharing. They just continue to watch YouTube as the available hosting. Moreover, video makers want to become popular, so that’s the reason for creating different content even terrible one. Bloggers don’t care about watchers as they like getting attention and growing number subscribers. People want it, so they get it.

Visual content is important for teaching

Modern style of learning and teaching is completely different. In the past people visualize information using their imagination, so it may be colorful, but not close to reality. As YouTube is a free-to-use, you may watch the majority of explanations made in visual way. Visual lessons are easy to grasp, and books just contain words. The more information you get, especially visual, the more you remember and understand. Theories are not useful if they don’t have practical realization.

YouTube has one more advantage over a book: you can see how do people live and behave while watching. It’s curios for grown-ups, they sure bloggers don’t cheat and pretend. There is no fake information, because you see the reality people are talking about. That’s the reason youngsters choose YouTube consider it to be more reliable and relatable.

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