
Every employer would like to think that they have the necessary measures in place to allow for high productivity. From flexible timetables to outings to inclusive meetings, they have done a lot to ensure the workspace is comfortable. However, there are many other ways in which you can improve the life of your employees. Sending them away with traditional retirement gifts for men or women is a way to do so. While you can always add to material things, the key lies in your traits. Yes, you, as an employer, have a considerable bearing on the lives of your workers. Here is how you can earn the title of a great employer:

Adopt Flexibility

When you ask some entrepreneurs what made them leave their jobs, they will talk about the work schedule. The whole nine to five schedule is overrated and outdated. Gone are the days that workers could only be productive for a given period. Also, people do not have to be in the office to be productive. Allowing people to work from satellite locations will work to your advantage. The less time they spend on commuting, the less tired they will be when carrying out their tasks. Some people can come in at night while others can come in for half a day and so on. Think of ways to adapt to the changes in the environment and use this to your advantage. Nobody wants to work with or for someone who cannot bend a little now and then.

Get Creative

Some organizations are so rigid that thinking out of the box is not commonplace. People operate by a set of rules set out for them. They take their coffee breaks at ten, lunch at twelve, and they leave at five. They email each other all day, take ten-minute stretches, and barely have time to check out memes. While this works in ensuring that the organizations meet their goal, it hinders creativity.

People cannot think much when they have to rely on a set of guidelines. Create a fun environment where people are not afraid to venture into new spaces. Instead of having set meetings, allow people to discuss ideas as they come up. Develop a hub where people can incubate their ideas. Allow them to think freely and watch what this does for their team spirit and productivity. Who knew that the key to success lay in having fun?

Encourage Positivity

Have you ever come across someone who is on the verge of quitting their job? Well, in most cases, the leaving has little to do with wages. You will find that the working environment is what the employee cannot tolerate. It could be that the boss is always belittling the workers. Maybe the supervisor is always lashing out at workers for things that have little to do with the tasks assigned. The HR could be slacking on their job, and sexist and racist comments have become the order of the day.

People are willing to walk away from their jobs if they feel that their mental health is at risk. Some time back, there was a hashtag on toxic workspaces, and the stories told were appalling. People go through hell at work, and some are barely holding on to their jobs. Instead of putting your workers through this, do a deep dive into what behaviors you display. The same goes for anyone in the organization. Weed out the unruly people and watch the positivity that emanates from this change.

Nurture a work-life balance

Some people have no lives outside their work. They work six days a week from morning till dusk and head home too tired to socialize. On their days off, they are so busy recovering from the past week that they cannot get out and have fun. In the end, their work begins to weigh them down. Give your workers some time off such that they can cater to other sectors in their lives. They can finally watch school plays, attend barbecues, and lay on their couches all day, anything but work.

Follow these simple steps and see if your employees start hitting their targets earlier than before. All the best!

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