Interstate Moving Tips and Tricks


If you are looking for a way to make your interstate moving process as easy and efficient as possible, then this is the article for you! We have compiled an exhaustive list of tips and tricks so that no matter what type of move you are going through, we will be able to share some valuable information with you. There is nothing like knowing about all the little details before starting on your new adventure!

Find a Reputable Interstate Moving Company

No matter if you are moving across the country to a neighboring state or even just cross-country, it is vital that you find yourself an interstate mover who can give you excellent service. There are so many details to take care of when relocating, such as budgeting and packing your belongings with care. It’s essential to have someone reliable on your side from start to finish! A good tip would be to do a thorough research of a list of best interstate moving companies and ask for referrals from friends, family members, or co-workers before hiring one. You’ll want this person there in case anything goes wrong during the move – after all, they’re responsible for transporting everything precious in life! 

Before starting any long-distance move, it is suggested to make sure there will be no legal issues after the move is complete. This includes such steps as scheduling a showing with your old landlord and getting an estimate for any repairs to be done on your new property. Of course, these are just some of the things that need to be taken care of before heading off into uncharted territory – but there’s no better feeling than settling down at last!

Pack Your Belongings

Packing is one of the most important parts of moving. Start by packing your clothes in sturdy boxes and leave them near your front door to be taken first thing on moving day. When packing breakables, bubble wrap is an excellent choice for cushioning items. If you are not sure which of your belongings need to be packed in a box and those that don’t, label each item, so there’s no confusion when it comes time to unpack them at the other end. This will also help make everything easier on yourself during the unpacking process.

If possible, wait until all large furniture has been moved out before filling smaller spaces with breakable goods like glassware or dishes. Then, label all the boxes containing breakables so they’re identifiable and easy to find.

When packing, it’s important to make sure that every box is full and tightly packed. This will help ensure a safe journey for everything you take from your old home to the new one. For example, it may be easier for you to pack up small items like jewelry in a zip-lock bag and wrap them in tissue paper before putting them into the larger container. Also, if you come across some jewelry pieces you no longer wear, why not sell your jewelry to a local buyer as you’ll not only get more room in your suitcase but you’ll also get some extra cash.

Create a Checklist

A great way to make sure you don’t forget anything is to create a checklist. There are several ways that this can be done, but for the sake of an example, let’s say we want to create a list of everything we need from our old house to set up at our new place. The first thing would be all your packing boxes and tape, then dishes and glasses if possible – things like crockery or dining ware should go on the “Kitchen” section of your list. If there are any big pieces like furniture or appliances, they will also go on here with their headings for easier organization. After these have been added onto the bottom half of your print-out, it might look something like this:

  • Packaging boxes and tape 
  • Dishes and glasses 
  • Furniture or appliances (e.g., TV, washing machine) 
  • White goods (e.g., fridge, oven) Repeat depending on the number of items you have in each category.

As well as these things, it is also important that you can remember to take your documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, etc., all paperwork related to your utilities like phone bills and electricity accounts for both houses – make sure there are copies at both places because I’m sure we don’t want any interruptions during a time when you’re trying to settle in! 

Plan a Budget

A budget is a necessary part of any relocation when you’re doing it on your own or even if you hire professional movers. You need to make sure that you have enough money set aside for the costs associated with moving and living expenses in your new home once everything has been settled in. As hard as it can sometimes be, try not to overspend while buying things – it might seem like a good idea at the time but think about how much more expensive things will become after this move.

Set Up the New Utilities

Utilities are one of the most important things to transfer when you move, so make sure that they’re set up in your new home. Be prepared by doing some research and contacting them early on about what needs to be transferred over. 

This includes gas, electricity, water, and anything else for which you might pay a bill. When it comes time to transfer these services in your new home state (or even within the same), be prepared by contacting them ahead of time or doing some research online so that things go as smoothly as possible.


We’ve listed some of the best interstate moving tips and tricks to help you get started on your journey. These should make it easier for you to find a reputable company, pack efficiently, and plan out all aspects of your move in advance so that everything goes smoothly.

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