Kidney Transplant Surgery: Here’s What You Need to Know


The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are situated below the rib cage on each side. The primary functions of the kidneys include purifying the blood, to remove toxins, harmful fluid, and minerals from the body. It also plays a major role in producing urine in the body. When the kidneys fail to filter toxins, waste, and fluid they start accumulating in the body. This condition can shoot blood pressure and can also result in kidney failure.

A kidney transplant is a complicated surgical procedure conducted when a kidney is not functioning healthily. In this process, a non-functional kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney of the donor. This procedure is carried on when; the kidney loses over 90% of its ability to function normally. Patients suffering from the end-stage renal disease are shifted for dialysis, in which all the body waste is removed with the help of a machine. A kidney transplant is the only option for such patients to stay alive.

Some common causes of kidney diseases in people are:

  • Uncontrollable diabetes
  • Uncontrolled and chronic high blood pressure
  • Condition of chronic glomerulonephritis in which the kidney filters are scarred and inflamed
  • Polycystic kidney disease

Evaluation for Transplant

As mentioned earlier, kidney transplant surgery is a very complicated procedure. Various tests are conducted to ensure the health and safety of both the patient and the donor. A kidney donor can be anyone, a living person, or a deceased person. The main things that are matched here are blood group and tissue types.

  • Blood Typing – Doctors prefer to go for compatible blood type transplants. In other words, it is preferable to transplant a kidney from a donor whose blood type is the same as the patient. Though blood-type incompatible kidney transplants are also possible, it requires additional medications and treatment. The risk factors are high in such operations.
  • Tissue Typing – Once the blood type tests are positive or compatible, the doctors will conduct a tissue typing test. This test is called HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) typing. This test involves the comparison of genetic markers, which will reveal the survival time of the kidney. A good match indicates that the kidney will function properly in the new body, and the chances of organ rejection are low.
  • Cross Match – The third and last evaluation is to cross-check the blood samples of both the patient and the donor. Blood samples are mixed and observed over some time to evaluate the reaction of antigens present in the donor’s blood. A negative result means that the blood samples are compatible, and chances of organ rejection are meagre.  However, a transplant with a positive cross-check is also possible. Still, it will require additional medical care before and after the kidney transplant surgery to control the reacting agents in the blood.

Kidney Transplant Surgery

Kidney transplant procedures are conducted with general anesthesia. It means that the patient is unconscious during the surgery. Throughout the procedure, the medical team will continuously monitor the blood pressure, blood oxygen level, and heart rate of the patient.

  • The surgery is performed with an incision in the abdomen area to place the new kidney in the body. Unless the old organs are not creating issues like high blood pressure, infection, or pain, they are still kept in place.
  • The doctor will then attach the blood vessels of the new kidney to the blood vessels of the abdomen.
  • Ureter, a tube that connects a new kidney to the bladder, is connected in this stage.
  • The patient is kept under strict medical observation for some time after the transplant surgery.

Aftercare and Recovery

The doctors and medical team will monitor the patient’s recovery post-surgery. He or she might be admitted to the hospital for some days to a few weeks depending on their condition and recovery rate. The patient has to visit for regular medical check-ups even after getting discharged from the hospital. The patient is also required to practice a healthy lifestyle along with life-long medications. Drugs like immunosuppressants (to prevent the immune system from attacking the new organ) and other medicines for controlling infection and other complications are included.

You can avoid kidney-related diseases in the initial stages itself, by controlling your blood sugar level, high blood pressure, and by adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you have been diagnosed with kidney disorders in the past, make sure you go for regular kidney check-ups and tests. Connect with kidney transplant survivors and stay motivated. Try to gather more information about kidney transplant procedures and ways to lead a healthy life hereafter. Good luck!

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