Labeling Trends to Look Out For in 2021


Labels and new barcode designs are transforming retail via mobile, which is making buying easier. What you must do is look for the following trends in 2021’s labeling craze:

NFC Tags and Readers

The revolution that labeling is undergoing in 2021 is powered by microchips. These chips, being placed into labels and barcodes, are as thin as paper. This technology, being called near-field communication (NFC), is wireless. Contactless payments are possible via NFC modules. The public consumer is now more equipped to buy and learn about products with greater ease. Contactless transactions aren’t only monetary. People who scan their phones can provide you with information for future marketing.

Whatever it is they purchase via scans is, with precise accounting, updated within your inventory.

Price Tag Software

A retail price tag software offers an entire setup to customize price tags through. Not only are the tools portable and handheld, but they pair with the software of your choice. The ability to customize your own tags means that your prices and receipts will always align. Your inventory is then adjusted as you rely on contactless scanning. Even printing your tags can be done where you are and with no additional equipment. This trend enables you to stay flexible by printing new tags at the point of sale.

Sustainable Packaging

How packaging is produced and then used determines its impact on the environment. 2021 promises us a bright future of sustainable packaging. Sustainable, in this sense, means low to no impact on the natural world. The decomposition rates of packaging materials have been studied intensely. The new compounds used are truly setting fresh trends. From barley to grapes, these resources are cheaper.


Merchandisers see storytelling as a 2021 trend that can embody how consumers think. Your impending need to convey information in little time calls for storytelling. What’s interesting about 2021’s take is how brand stories are being told. In considering merchandise, words aren’t necessary when telling your story. Images, colors and even the shape of your packaging says a lot to your leads. Some preset templates for your labels in 2021 will even improve your consumer’s retention.

The barcode technology of modern cell phones has the capacity to exchange information. Consumers who are curious about your product can learn a great deal this way. Offering additional information via their own mobile devices is how you expand your tact in storytelling.

Cost Reduction

To ensure that you always have enough supplies for tagging, manufacturers have reduced the cost of NFC technology. It’s become common. The major trends of 2021 are poised to make tagging easier, faster and more profitable. Even the biodegradable materials that are revolutionizing printing play a role. Using a digital-tagging system keeps the paperwork down and your accounting accurate.

USP Statements

Creativity, as a major trend, has led to a profound development in how your USP is presented. Your “unique selling proposition” is what suggests that you’re a market leader over your competition. Modern packaging has a small area of space to market within. By understanding the consumer, however, businesses are engraving a clear message on their products. These messages are direct, relevant and persuasive. You can expect this trend to thrive as your need to show a USP is always present.

Taking hold of the prospects of retail price tag software starts with riding the biggest trends we have in retail. With a digital world still growing around us, be sure to integrate with mobile chips that tag and track your products.

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