Top 5 Personalities In The Cryptocurrency Industry You Need To Follow


People across the world are still suspicious about cryptocurrency and often associate it with cybercrime and the black market.

However, developing this technology took decades of determination and hard work by some of the most brilliant minds that the world has witnessed to date. Over the years, few people had a huge impact in spreading information about Bitcoin (the most common cryptocurrency) and its benefits and help in strengthening the infrastructure. Today, investing in Bitcoin can help you exponentially.

This article will help you to make smart financial decisions.Mentioned below is a list of 5 people who were directly or

indirectly involved in maintaining, developing, and creating the Bitcoin


Patrick Byrne

Often referred to by his pseudonym the “Bitcoin Messiah” and

“Scourge of Wall Street” in the press, Patrick Byrne is an unconventional

character in the corporate world. Currently, he is the CEO of

Before Microsoft, Dell and Byrne were active in the Bitcoin space, his company

had started accepting bitcoin as payment. His company was the first retailer to

do so. He reckons that Wall Street will have no other choice but to accept Bitcoin.

Pieter Wuille

To wards the end of 2010, Pieter Wuille is the one who discovered Bitcoin and joined the development team by May 2011. Currently, he has more than 650 commits on Github to the Bitcoin code. He is considered the reason behind the Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIP) 30, 32, 42, and 62.

Moreover, Pieter Wuille is the main author of libsecp256k1 as well.

As a child, he grew up in Belgium and received his Ph.D. in  Computer Science from the University of Leuven. His primary focus was on programming language design. Later, he worked at Google Site Reliability Engineer and then joined Blockstream. The organization focuses on developing  open assets and smart contracts related to Bitcoin.

Barry Silbert

Barry Silbert holds a position in the list of investors who are considered the most investors in Bitcoin to date. With his aim to developthe Bitcoin industry, he opened an organization, Digital Currency Group, that provides assistance to other companies in the Bitcoin industry by investing in them.

Over the years, Silbert has successfully funded more than 40 startups

that are Bitcoin-related through his company, Bitcoin Opportunity Corp. The

companies he invested in include BitGo, TradeBlock, BitPay, BitPagos, Chain,

Circle, Keza, Coinbase, Gyft, Kraken, Gyft, Ripple, Unocoin, and BitPesa.

Roger Ver

The first person who started investing in startups of Bitcoin is Roger Ver. He has helped many companies by funding them solely for the entire first generation of Bitcoin businesses. His philanthropy nature has earned him the title  “Bitcoin Jesus,” in the community. In the year 2011, Memorydealers, his company was the first mainstream organization that announced that it will bitcoin accept Bitcoin as a mode as payment. Besides that, Ver launched a website called that was the first website to accept bitcoin as payment. Additionally, Verfocused on safety by creating that offers rewards to people who help in catching cybercriminals in the Bitcoin industry. Ver heavily criticized the online Reddit Bitcoin community censorship as well and offered a censorship-free option where one can discuss topics related to cryptocurrency.

Andreas Antonopoulos

Andreas M. Antonopoulos reckons that most people are notinterested in Bitcoin because they do not fully understand the cryptocurrency. One can only be interested when he or she has the basic knowledge aboutBitcoin. Besides being a technologist and an entrepreneur, he is a public speaker to make it easier for people to understand. Over the years, he has been seen speaking time and again in various gatherings related to technology and security and in front of huge crowds.

Once, in a speech, he said that the 6 billion people that do not enjoy international banking that is control-free like them, Bitcoin will provide them with an opportunity that will allow them to become a part of the global economy that did not exist a very long ago. Bitcoin is not just a result of their curiosity but a window of opportunity that will connect the world.

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