
Addiction is a vital issue for the majority of those who have faced it. Recovery is always a challenge. The stories of people who have fought it are always impressive, moving, and evoke sympathy. Ordinary people are always surprised by such stories partially because they ask themselves if they could go over such a bugbear.

Recent global events do not add any confidence to our daily routine. Every day we hear about drastic coronavirus outcomes. COVID-19 throws a spanner in the works of our private life, entertainment, and all the other spheres of life with no exception; with the lock-downs, social distancing, and constant covid testing that has been needed. The question is how it influences recovery processes and if it makes it easier or more complicated.

COVID-19 has introduced a set of new roles to stick to within the society. Social distance, wearing masks, and constant washing of hands, surfaces, etc are all the basic parts of the modern world. In addition, social gatherings are prohibited and a number of entertainment has been cut. Such new reality might waver the support system of recovery programs.

Some other complications might also influence the life of those, who have declared war against addiction. However, humanity has found certain ways to overcome these difficulties. For instance, online na meetings are getting more popular and effective, as developers try to improve the system as much as possible. Here are presented some other ways, which will help with the recovery.

1. Schedule is a Must

Planning your day helps a lot in fights against both laziness and abuse resistance. When each second of your day is dedicated to a certain task, you can’t be bored and think of a substance to improve your life. Establishing a planned schedule helps to avoid triggers, which have led you to addiction.

COVID-19 mode has granted us the opportunity to start our morning calmly. Try to do 20-minute morning exercises before going to shower. Enjoy your tea or coffee while listening to your favourite group. Find an hour for reading your favourite author.

Planning your diet is also a very useful thing. Try to eat at the same time each day, make your diet balanced in terms or carbons, proteins, and fats. Kick stress out of your life. Try yoga or some mindfulness technique. Keeping a hold of your time lets you keep hold of addiction.

2. Avoid Triggers

Those, suffering from substance abuse, often try to avoid the major human triggers, which can lead to a breakdown during recovery. The abbreviation for these triggers is HALT, where ‘h’ stands for hunger, ‘a’ for anger, ‘l’ for loneliness, and ‘t’ for tiresomeness.

In addition, past experience expressed in things, places, pieces of art can also trigger your addiction. So, one of the first points on your schedule must be cleaning the house so that you get rid of all possible physical triggers. Secondly, you should find ways to relax at home while switching from routine chores.

Thirdly, participating in na support groups online can help a lot. This would allow us to avoid the feeling of loneliness. Last but never least is the healthy sleep pattern, which is another thing to work on. In case, you succeeded in ‘configuring’ your routine so that you have no triggers, the half the battle is won.

3. Experience New Feelings

Fighting addiction is both a physical and emotional challenge, which means that a tough schedule is only a way to avoid a problem for a certain time. It is more important to substitute the euphoric emotions for something else. Trying new things always changes our mood and, thus, is highly recommended in such situations.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 greatly limits the opportunity to entertain, learn something new, or experience partying, traveling, watching new movies, shopping, or other pleasant things. Loads of free time could become a reason for relapse, but routine tasks can do the same.

The first thing you can do is finding a new hobby or learning a new thing, which requires time and can be practiced from home. For instance, language learning, workout, decoupage, embroidery, programming learning, drawing, or cooking. Trying new genres of music, literature, or movies is also a good idea to prescind from the intention to come back to your addiction.

4. Communication as Priority

Social distance makes all of us feel uncomfortable. For sure, this can be seen as a positive change, especially for those ,who suffer from constant interruption of their personal space. Nevertheless, it makes all of us a bit panicked.

Lack of communication and absence of usual meetings with friends and family members is tiresome. The positive point is that thanks to modern technological advancement you can always call them.

Talking all day long, video call, laughing and watching films together as well as heart-to-heart conversation with a cup of tea have got into a new dimension. The internet allows us to keep in touch and feel support from others.

As mentioned before, there exist special support meetings online. Some rehabs even provide you with 24 hour na chat rooms online so that you can text with another partner as soon as you want to have another shot, or a new marijuana joint.

5. Continue Treatment

In case, you do not feel enough strength to get victory over addiction even with the use of all the benefits of na meetings online, you can always consult the professional. A lot of treatment centres offer online consultations. Moreover, the majority of drug and alcohol rehabs are still open while COVID-19. Being vital to a healthy lifestyle, rehabs cannot be put on hold.

In addition, the understanding of the depth of the problem makes rehab authorities creating more online services. Googling ‘online na meetings usa’ can help to find the community that fits perfectly for you. Proper choice of support as well as consulting a professional expert are both extremely important for overcoming any type of addiction.


Breaking free from addiction is an important step in any life. All of us have always been told that substance abuse is as welcome as snow in harvest in your life. However, we cannot judge.Triggers might win the battle once but they can get victory in a war. The most important point is that recovery is vital and one must always keep his aim to get back to a sober life as number one priority. Neither laziness, not limits introduced by COVID-19 can destroy your intentions to life a better life.

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