4 Low-Overhead Pet Business You Can Easily


There’s a ton of reasons to explore the benefits of entrepreneurship. Many people despise the idea of sitting in an office for what seems like a lifetime.

Naturally, when people set out to start a business, they think of something that makes them happy—something they enjoy.

Pets, or animals in general, are what many relate to their joy or passion. When you’re starting a business, this is one of the most important things to think about because if you don’t love it, it’s still like “work.”

This is where we cue the pet business niche. Sure, some think a dog-walking business is for the neighborhood kid with a little extra time on his hands and a hard-pressing goal of some sort, but this is so not true.

Here are four simple pet business ideas that don’t take much to get started.

1. Dog-Walking

We’re starting with an oldie, but a goodie—dog-sitting. This is something you can put together in little to no time, even with minimal experience. You can create some eye-catching flyers, put them up in nearby parks, put some ads online, and create coordinating social media pages.

It’s important to take pics and videos when you are sitting and walking pets so people can see how good you are with the animals. This functions as a review system of sorts because it demonstrates your work ethic and practices.

The number of people who don’t have the time needed to walk their dogs is higher than you think. And believe it or not, some dogs experience high levels of anxiety from going on a stroll, which presents an added layer of stress for both the pet and pet owner.

This is where you come in with your services. You can take over walks for the owner as take your services a step further by informing them of how CBD for pets with anxiety may prove to be a helpful solution.

Some pets need help relaxing before going out and dealing with the increase of external stimuli, and CBD works perfectly for this. It provides full-body relaxation for pups so that they can get some exercise in peace.

There’s also a wide variety of products like tinctures that pair well with dog food, treats they’ll chomp down without second thought, as well as paw balm!

It always pays to know all the latest in pet wellness when you own and run a pet business, and CBD is most definitely on that list!

2. Dog-Sitting

Usually, dog-sitting and dog-walking go hand in hand, but you can choose to offer only one of these services. Although, dog-sitting as an individual service may require a little more of a personal connection or referral because some clients may want to stay at their home or drop in a couple of times a day to help keep an eye on their pet(s).

Some pets need constant interaction and companionship due to separation anxiety or any other health issue. The beauty of dog-walking and dog-sitting is you can make the business as straightforward or as grand as you like.

If the 12-year-old around the corner can build clientele, so can you!

3. Pet Photography

If you haven’t noticed, dog photos and videos are some of the most popular web content these days. It doesn’t take much to get your own pet photography business off the ground. All you need to start is a decent camera and a few calm-demeanor animals to showcase your skills.

You’ll also need somewhere for your shoots. Some recommended choices are the beach, a studio, or at the park. You can even scout your own personal locations that you can use for free.

As with any business, marketing has the potential to make or break your business. This is why social media marketing will be your best friend and don’t be afraid to create paid ads as a means of building traffic!

4. Pet Bakery

This idea marries a love for food and pets—homemade pet treats! You can start by doing some research to find out a little more information about the more popular pet treats. However, if you want to carve your unique place in that niche, you’ll want to develop a one of a kind product.

You can explore ideas surrounding some customized cakes or treats. The pet food business is one of the longest-standing aspects of the pet business in general. Create something unique and give out samples to build interest and clientele.

Parting Thoughts

Owning your own business is a rewarding experience for an abundance of reasons, but being your boss and doing something you love ranks pretty high in the eyes of most people out there.

These are only a few ideas to get the mental gears going, but don’t be afraid to get creative with your business ideas. The more unique your thoughts, the more successful you’re bound to be!

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