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5 Safe Driving Tips That Can Save Your Life


Car accidents can happen to anyone at any time. They can lead to injury, pain, suffering, and potential loss of earnings. 

At Schlacter Law, we know how devastating a car accident can be. Drivers who have been driving for many years may not pay as close attention to some aspects of road safety as they should. 

These five driving safety tips can help you prevent an accident regardless of road conditions or the actions of other drivers. Defensive driving techniques can save your life and the lives of those you love.

1. Avoid any potential distractions

Taking your eyes off the road, even if only for a few seconds, can put you at risk when driving. Everyone is aware of the pitfalls of texting whilst driving and picking up your mobile phone. However, many people still take a sneaky look at their phone when it pings to signal a new message. 

You may feel that this is safe as you have never been involved in a car accident. This is not the case at all. All you can prove is that luck has been on your side. Will it always be this way? Should you take a quick look at your phone when driving? The simple answer is no. 

Many phones are equipped with a driving mode that silences incoming messages when it feels you are moving. Use this feature to minimize potential risky distractions.

2. Always wear a seat belt

Wearing your seat belt whilst traveling in a car has been enforced by law for many years. Unfortunately, many people still do not wear their seat belt, especially if they are just driving quickly down the road to their local shop.

Seat belts are still the most important factor in reducing serious injury or fatality when driving. Without your seat belt, if you are involved in a car accident, you will be thrown around the inside of your vehicle or even thrown outside the vehicle, making serious injuries much more likely.

3. Do not drive if you are stressed or unwell

A large part of driving is reacting to situations and changes during the journey. If you are overstressed or feeling unwell, this can be a distraction and can make your driving experience a risky one.

Feeling unwell can also cause tiredness, which slows down your reactions to changes in the road, speed limit, or the action of other drivers on the road. If you are taking medication for an illness, these can too at times, make you drowsy and less responsive in your driving ability. Make sure you feel fresh and fit to make that journey.

4. Do not exceed the speed limit

The faster you drive, the shorter the time you have to react to any changes on the road. You may be in a residential area or near a school where people quite often cross the road. 

You must also factor into your driving speed the conditions of the road, and any potential adverse weather that may need you to travel at a slightly slower speed. Rainfall, snow and ice, all make the road more slippery and increase the dangers at higher speeds.

Driving within the speed limit will not only stop you from becoming in trouble with the police, but it can also save your life and the lives of others.

5. Properly maintaining your car

This tip may be overlooked by many drivers. You are required by law to have a safety check of your vehicle once a year, but in order to stay as safe as you can be, there are some extra checks that need to be made.

Make sure that the oil levels are correct in your car’s engine, especially if the oil has not been changed in some months. Make sure to change the oil every 3,000 miles or so to ensure your engine is running as smoothly and efficiently as it can. 

Over time, especially during the colder weather of winter months, the air pressure in our tires can drop. You may also gain a puncture in a tire that causes the air pressure to drop. You need to check and top up the air in your tires regularly to enable them to grip the road effectively in all weather conditions.

Do not drive with tires where the tread has worn away more than the legal minimum amount. If this happens, you will need to change the affected tire immediately.

Following our tips above will help you drive safely on every journey. At SchlacterLaw.com, we wish you a safe driving experience.