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How to trade in my used iPad?


If you’ve got an iPad more than three years old, then you might have experienced slow processing or run out of space. This is the right time to sell.

Can I trade in my iPad?

Yes, you can get decent credit value for your old iPad and get a brand new iPad immediately.

How? Here are four methods to trade in your used iPad.

  • Trade-in your iPad at the Apple Trade-in program

Apple trade-in program is the best place to trade in your used iPad for better value. You can either go to a nearby Apple store or do it online.

They will check for certain criteria, which are mentioned as follows

  1. Ipad model
  2. Condition of the iPad (dents and scratches, if any)
  3. Front and back cameras working capacity
  4. Battery capacity
  5. Internet connectivity

Once all these criteria are checked, Apple sends you a trade-in kit in your mail. Before you ship in your used iPad

  1. Back up all the data from iPad
  2. Remove your used iPad from the Apple ID device list
  3. Erase all the data
  4. Remove the sim card
  5. Remove the screen protector and case cover.
  6. Pack your iPad.

Even if you aren’t satisfied with the value, you can walk away with the free estimate data.

  • Trade-in with carriers

Trade-in with a carrier can fetch you a decent amount. Irrespective of the carrier you use, you can make great money out of it.

Sometimes, you get unexpected killer deals, too but don’t completely rely on it. Some of the major websites that accept used iPads with carriers are Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint and AT&T.

This method would advantage even if you go for in-person trade because

  1. Easy pick up of signals and use carrier’s home network
  2. Full warranty with customer service facility for troubleshooting issues.
  3. Use wireless network technologies like 4G and 5G.
  4. A complete package for incoming and outcoming and special features like VOLTE calls.
  • Instant sale in sites

When you’ve got a lot of time, you can prefer to go for Instant sale-in sites. It includes Gazelle, Decluttr, Gadgetzone, Best Buy and Amazon.

Amazon is undoubtedly the largest marketplace for the trade-in iPhone in the current scenario.

It keeps track of every process in your trade-in journey. It is absolutely not compulsory for trading-in with Amazon to trade in with the iPad purchased in it.

Pick your model, storage capacity and the carrier; you are good to go. Plus, Amazon presents a 28-day lock-in period to hold onto your current model.

However, you need to pay a certain percentage for Amazon if you sell through the Amazon seller scheme. A similar process is followed in other websites as well.

You’ve two options with these instant sales on sites- cash or gift card. Whichever seems better for you, choose it.

  • Sell it in-person

Obviously, selling it to a “real” person instead of the company makes more sense. You can do it online or search for a person from your acquaintances.

Websites like Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Craigslist lets you find a potential buyer online by listing your iPad as an ad.

Except for eBay, others don’t charge you a percentage from the final amount. Rather than trading, selling in-person can fetch you huge returns.

However, make sure to make the transactions publicly as these buyers cannot be predicted.

Compared to the other two, Facebook Marketplace can help you to share your ad among your friends and family, plus it lets you find a potential buyer in the local area.

Final Thoughts

Whatever the method you might choose, ensure the transaction is instant, and you get the value for your used iPad.