Home cars The 2 Best Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance Premium

The 2 Best Ways To Lower Your Car Insurance Premium


Having the best insurance for cars doesn’t mean that you have to pay a fortune. Car insurance can be very expensive so some people just accept their premium cost at face value. What they fail to realize is that car insurance can also be a bargain.

There are a lot of ways to save money on car insurance without sacrificing any of the benefits in your policy. With just a little bit of effort and some patience, it can be quite a dramatic difference. In this article, we will go over several ways that you can cut your car insurance bill down.

1 – Defensive driving

A proactive way to lower car insurance premiums is to not get into an accident. When you first get your license you are awarded a certain amount of points. Every year that you drive without an accident or moving violation will give you an increase in points. The more points that you have the lower your car insurance.

It pays off to drive defensively and really pay attention to the way that you drive. You’ll avoid a costly accident or speeding ticket and also lower your premiums at the same time. The best part of all is that you stay safer in the process.

Defensive driving involves trying to avoid an accident at all costs. Even if you are in the right, you are still responsible for trying to not get into an accident. This means that you slow down when approaching an intersection with cars merging even when you have the right of way. Some drivers are simply not paying attention.

Giving plenty of space between you and the car in front of you gives you time to brake if they suddenly stop. You should also be looking ahead of the car in front of you to see if there is a problem coming up.

Of course, obeying the speed limit is also a safe way to drive as it gives you enough time to react if another car cuts you off or a pedestrian walks into the street without looking.

2 – Don’t overdo the coverage

When shopping for car insurance, many agents are going to try to get you to add coverage that frankly isn’t needed. This means you’ll have a higher premium and they get a higher commission for doing this.

Take some time to look at your policy coverage and try to understand what you need and what you don’t. For instance, you may be paying for roadside assistance when you already have a policy with AAA. Even if you don’t have Triple A, you should forgo the roadside assistance and get it with AAA instead as it will cost you less and gives you a lot of discounts on other things.

New car replacement coverage is also more mojney than it is worth and you might be paying for it when it won’t cover you anyway. You have to be the original owner of the car and the car can’t be more than three years old in most cases.