Which Cake Flavor Person Are you?


Many of you are not aware – but the flavor of your favorite cake speaks a lot about you. Do not believe us? Make sure you are going through this article to find out. Here’s is a list of cake flavors that reveals your personality.

Chocolate Cake

The love of chocolate knows no bounds. You are an empathetic person, a shoulder to cry on, support in any situation and the someone everyone turns to. However, you are quite indulgent and would love a relaxing day out. What a wonderful person you are, no wonder everyone wants to be with you, though you always doubt anyone who says they don’t like chocolate. You know what you like and how to get it, and never have to try that hard.


Drama seems like a big part of your life, and you don’t understand the meaning of your life so dramatically. Whenever you tell a story, people start listening because things that happen to you on a daily basis are something that will never happen to them in a million years. People who choose cheesecake as their favourite are often smooth, sexy and slightly emotional.

Red velvet

If you like Red Velvet Cake, you like to take risks. While everyone was too confused to try the taste, you didn’t even think once. It may seem that you are harsh, but you have a soft heart. Apart from being a classic romantic, you are good at hiding it. You do not show this side of your personality to the world.

Fruit cake

Fruit cake can be of different types. You can be a fan of plum cakes that are enriched with dried fruits or ice cream cakes topped with exotic fruits. People who consider fruit cakes of their choice have a sweet personality and can be easily known if fruit cakes are your favorite type of cake.

Pineapple Cake

If Pineapple Cake has your favorite taste, you are sweet, consistent, and simple. You prefer to stay to stick to the tried and tested rather than being new and fashionable. A lighter person, you avoid emotional extremes and prefer to live life in a balanced way. You like to see the light side of things and enjoy the journey of life. You make a loyal spouse and friend. Pineapple lovers are considered quick decision-makers who believe in taking fast action. They have good organizing abilities and are honest in dealing with others.

Black forest cake

People with the black forest flavor of the cake are mostly convinced and really know what they want in life and are quite satisfied with what they have achieved in their life. Furthermore, they do not always need to be surrounded by people because they know matters of quality, not quantity. They are not an introvert but know how to prioritize things in life. These people hate lying.

Coffee cake

Coffee cakes, on the other hand, are preferred by those who are born trendsetters. You can inspire life around you by being a corporate queen or by living life on your very own terms. You are very motivated and no matter what you do – you give it 100%. Like so many people, coffee is life for you and you really indulge with coffee cake and martini after a busy day at work. And, if you are not in the mood to bake one for yourself, then you just go to the store dealing with the best cakes in Mumbai or wherever you reside.

Lemon cake

Vivacious and a little out there, you’re known as a wild card, and you’re fine with it. Although you are full of pep and excitement, you do not always have to be the centre of attention, and just the possibility to brighten a room as you mix with the crowd – depends on your mood.

Vanilla Sponge Cake

People always associate boring with vanilla, but in reality, it is far from it, and there are people who have chosen it as their favorite flavor. If this is your favorite cake, you are often underestimated, until you show your true personality. These people are often impulsive, kind and generous.

Happy eating!

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