Home Business 8 Secret Tips To Name Your New Business

8 Secret Tips To Name Your New Business


It’s time to register your business. You love the idea and have done all the groundwork for the business plan. There’s just one thing missing: the perfect name. Before you go pulling slips of paper out of a hat, read these secrets to naming a new business strategically. 

1. Brainstorm With a Little Help from Namify

Even the most talented wordsmiths might miss a keyword or two. There are several ways to brainstorm, and some include using outside sources such as Namify.tech. There’s no shame in that game! Some tools even provide you with a list of business name ideas based on key factors. Here are some things to consider when compiling as many names as possible: 

  • Brain dump
  • Free write
  • Word associate
  • Use online tools
  • Ask others
  • Don’t exclude anything

You can always cross things out as you go! Include every word you think of. It could surprise you what works in the end. 

2. Make It Make Sense

If people can’t pronounce it, they likely won’t remember it. If they can’t spell it, they’ll have a hard time finding it on Google or social media. If they don’t know what it means, they won’t get the message it’s trying to convey. Say it aloud to yourself to see if you like how it sounds. Then, say it to others. Put it in sentences. Is it immediately obvious what your business does or stands for? 

3. Memorability Over SEO

To go off of the above point, don’t simply describe your business purpose in the name. For instance, “wholesale shoe supplier” may be good for search engine optimization, but it’s too generic. You can focus on SEO when building your site’s content later. Business names like “Shopify,” for example, allude to the purpose of the company, but they add a fun, memorable twist. Try creating your own word that builds on your purpose. 

4. Check Everywhere

Does someone else already use the name, or even something too closely related? Places to check include:

  • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office search tool 
  • Domain names/URLs
  • Social media handles
  • Competitors 
  • Different languages

An example of a language issue was the Chevy Nova. In Spanish, that translated to the car being a “no go.” That’s not exactly what you want in a car, is it? 

5. Don’t Get Too Specific

If you use specific details, it could lock you into a specific niche or even location. Just as we do as humans, businesses grow and expand. Leave room for change. 

6. Don’t Get Too Trendy 

Trends are trends for a reason. They’re here today and gone tomorrow. Do you want that to happen to your business? The answer is most likely “no.” Examples of things to stay away from are: 

  • Slang terms
  • Symbols like the hashtag
  • Memes

7. Picture the Name on a T-Shirt 

How will the name you choose look when translated into a logo? Oftentimes, a business name can benefit from incorporating something tangible, such as: 

  • Animals
  • Objects relevant to the business
  • Fruit or vegetables

Get creative! 

8. It Will Just Feel Right 

All in all, you want to pick a name that feels right in your soul. It may sound cheesy, but you are stuck with this business name forever. Make it something that you want to last, and you’re more likely to succeed.