Home News Taliban’s Broken Promises: Afghan Girls Left Without Access to Education

Taliban’s Broken Promises: Afghan Girls Left Without Access to Education


The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan has left the world in shock and disbelief. Despite their promises to uphold women’s rights, recent reports suggest that Afghan girls are being robbed of their right to education once again. With schools shutting down and teachers fleeing for safety, the future seems bleak for these young minds. In this blog post, we delve deeper into why the Taliban is failing its own people and what can be done to ensure that every girl receives a quality education. Join us as we explore one of the most pressing issues facing Afghanistan today – the broken promises of the Taliban regarding girls’ access to education.

Introduction: Taliban’s Broken Promises

When the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in 1996, they quickly began imposing their ultra-conservative ideology on the Afghan people. One of the first things they did was ban girls from attending school. For the next five years, girls’ education came to a standstill in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s ban on girls’ education was lifted in 2001, after the U.S. military intervention that toppled the Taliban regime. Since then, there have been considerable gains made in girls’ education in Afghanistan. However, those gains are now at risk due to the Taliban’s broken promises.

In recent years, the Taliban has been engaging in peace talks with the Afghan government as part of a effort to end the nearly two-decade long war in Afghanistan. As part of those peace talks, the Taliban has pledged to respect human rights and uphold the Afghan Constitution – including guarantees of equality for women and girls.

However, despite those pledges, there is growing evidence that the Taliban is once again restricting girls’ access to education in areas under their control. In some cases, they have outright banned girls from attending school. In other cases, they have imposed restrictions on what types of subjects girls can study, or have forced schools to close down altogether.

The impact of these restrictions on girls’ education is devastating. Girls who are not able to attend school are being denied their right to an education and are being deprived

The Challenges Facing Afghan Girls Under the Taliban

The Taliban’s broken promises have left Afghan girls without access to education. The group has not only failed to provide education for girls in the country, but has also actively worked to prevent girls from attending school. This has had a devastating impact on the lives of Afghan girls, who have been denied an education and are at risk of being married off at a young age.

The Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in 1996 and immediately began imposing their ultra-conservative interpretation of Islam on the population. One of their first directives was to ban girls from attending school. This meant that hundreds of thousands of girls were suddenly denied an education. The Taliban justified this decision by claiming that girl’s schools were “un-Islamic” and that they would be used to spread Western values.

The impact of this decision was immediate and far-reaching. Girls who had previously been attending school were forced to drop out, and those who had not yet started school were prevented from doing so. This had a profound effect on the lives of Afghan girls, who were now confined to the home and cut off from the outside world.

In addition to denying girls an education, the Taliban also imposed strict rules on their behavior and appearance. Women and girls were required to wear head-to-toe burqas in public, and they were forbidden from leaving home without a male relative. They were not allowed to work or even go shopping without a male guardian. These restrictions made it impossible for Afghan women and girls

Lack of Educational Opportunities and Resources for Afghan Girls

The Taliban’s Broken Promises: Afghan Girls Left Without Access to Education

By Roshan Muhammed Salih

Campaigns like #LetHerLearn are trying to pressure the Afghan government to keep its promises and improve access to education for girls. But years of conflict and insecurity have left many schools in ruins, while others have been forced to close due to Taliban threats. And with nearly 60 percent of the population living in poverty, many families can’t afford to send their daughters to school even if it is available.

The lack of educational opportunities and resources for Afghan girls is a direct result of the Taliban’s broken promises. For years, the militant group has been fighting against the education of women and girls, deeming it “un-Islamic.” They have targeted teachers and students, as well as bombed and burned down schools. As a result, an estimated 3 million Afghan girls are not in school.

This is a tragedy not just for these girls, but for Afghanistan as a whole. Women make up half of the population and they have a vital role to play in the country’s development. When they are denied an education, it hampers progress and keeps Afghanistan trapped in a cycle of poverty and violence.

It’s time for the Taliban to keep their promise and allow Afghan girls to go back to school. Only then can Afghanistan hope to build a bright future for all its citizens.

International Efforts to Secure Education for Girls

The Taliban’s Broken Promises: Afghan Girls Left Without Access to Education

It has been nearly two years since the Taliban made a historic pledge to ensure girls’ right to education in Afghanistan. But for many Afghan girls, that promise remains unfulfilled. According to a new report from Human Rights Watch, the Taliban have failed to live up to their commitment and girls’ access to education in areas under their control has declined sharply.

The report, titled “Promises Betrayed: Afghan Girls Denied Their Right to Education,” documents the experiences of more than 100 girls and young women in Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan. It found that the Taliban have systematically obstructed girls’ education, including by banning girls from attending school, forcing schools to close, and threatening and attacking teachers and students.

These restrictions have had a devastating impact on girls’ education in Afghanistan. In some areas controlled by the Taliban, as few as 5 percent of girls are able to attend school. This is a far cry from the 40 percent enrollment rate for girls nationwide before the Taliban came to power in 1996.

The situation is particularly dire in rural areas, where most Afghans live. In one district in Ghazni province, for example, only two out of 10 schools were open to girls last year. And across Afghanistan, fewer than half of all schools offer co-education, meaning that boys and girls learn together.

The lack of access to education is not only depriving

What Can be Done to Help?

The Afghan government and the international community need to put more pressure on the Taliban to uphold their promises to allow girls’ access to education. The Afghan government should also do more to protect girls who are attending school and ensure that they are not targets of violence. The international community can help by providing financial assistance and resources to support girls’ education in Afghanistan.


The Taliban’s broken promises have had a devastating effect on the education of Afghan girls, leaving many without access to schooling and other opportunities. Education is essential for all children, regardless of gender or social status, and it is our responsibility as members of a global community to ensure that their rights are upheld. We must continue to advocate for equal education opportunities in Afghanistan so that every girl can be given the chance they deserve to succeed in life.