Home News What You Should Know About CBD and its Benefits

What You Should Know About CBD and its Benefits


CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the fastest-growing products for people looking to treat symptoms of stress, anxiety and chronic pain. Over the past several years, CBD consumption has increased dramatically. As more people learn of its incredible health benefits, they are eager to see what all the fuss is about. Maybe you have also considered looking into using CBD products. Before diving in, it is important to address some important information. What is CBD, and what kinds of benefits can it offer those looking for an alternative to traditional medication? What is the best way to use CBD? Where can you find the right products for you? Keep reading to find the answers you need.

What is CBD?

There is often confusion on what CBD is. CBD is a cannabinoid that is derived from the cannabis plant. Because it is derived from the cannabis plant, many people assume that CBD has the same hallucinogenic qualities as marijuana. Unlike THC, CBD does not alter brain function in any way. That means taking CBD will not make you feel “high” or cause you to lose cognitive function. Instead, CBD induces calming and relaxation. For this reason, many people turn to CBD to help treat symptoms of certain mental and physical conditions.

Is CBD Legal for Purchase and Consumption?

CBD is legal for purchase and consumption in the United States as of 2018. CBD products that contain a negligible amount of THC are legal at the federal level, but the marijuana plant from which CBD is derived is still considered an illegal drug. It is worth noting that not every state will have the same rules and regulations regarding CBD, so make sure to check with your state’s laws before purchasing any CBD products.

What Are the Forms of CBD?

CBD can be extracted and turned into a wide variety of products. Common products include CBD oil for vape pens, CBD pills for pain, edibles like gummies and topical ointments. How you take CBD is completely up to you! You should consider that different forms of CBD consumption vary in the speed of relief and potency. Also, you should be picky when purchasing CBD products. Check the label before purchasing or trying anything new. Be mindful and look for extra ingredients such as added chemicals or food dyes that could cause negative side effects.

What Conditions Can CBD Help Address?

CBD has gained an incredible following for those who suffer from symptoms related to mental and physical conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain and sleep disorders like insomnia. CBD can help treat a wide range of conditions due to the human body’s already-existing endocannabinoid system. This body system works with cannabinoids like CBD to reduce inflammation, pain and stress. Below are some of the most common conditions for which CBD can prove helpful.

Anxiety and Depression

CBD induces feelings of calm and relaxation for its users. For this reason, it has become a godsend for those who suffer from symptoms of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression affect an overwhelming number of people in the United States. In the past, these conditions were often treated with powerful medications. However, some of these medications carry with them a litany of undesirable side effects. CBD products can help bring relief to those with symptoms of anxiety and depression while minimizing the risk of negative side effects.

Chronic Pain

CBD is effective in reducing inflammation in the body. This is incredibly helpful for individuals who suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain is persistent, difficult-to-diagnose pain often caused by conditions such as fibromyalgia or nerve damage. While there are still studies being completed to determine the true effectiveness of CBD in managing certain pain symptoms, many people report a decrease in their pain levels after taking CBD products.


CBD can also help you get to sleep more quickly. Oftentimes, people have trouble sleeping due to intrusive thoughts and worries about things in their lives. CBD can help minimize the symptoms of stress associated with these worries. By reducing your body’s reactions to stress, CBD can help you relax and get to sleep more easily. CBD also provides a safer alternative to over-the-counter sleep medication, which has been linked to serious health problems.

CBD has many benefits to offer those looking for relief from mental stress and physical pain. Use the information presented here to help you explore the CBD products that are best for you!